
The Top 2 Reasons Why Your Car's Transmission Gears Fail To Shift


The transmission system in your car is what helps to change gears while you are driving. Over time, transmission systems will experience several issues, which can lead to the gears failing to shift correctly. Here are a few reasons why this happens. Damaged Or Worn-Out Torque Converter  A torque converter is a fluid coupling that is used to transfer rotating power from the engine to the transmission system. It is an essential part of any automatic transmission system that can cause your car to fail to shift gears properly if it fails.

22 July 2022

Two Things To Know About Wheel Alignments


If you own a vehicle you have likely heard about wheel alignments at some point. This is when the alignment of the wheels is calibrated to optimize how they move so that it reduces the amount of wear on the tires. Here are two things that you should know about wheel alignments before you get one. Signs That A Wheel Alignment Is Necessary  How do you know if your vehicle needs a wheel alignment?

24 June 2022

Dealing With Exhaust System Problems on Your Vehicle


The exhaust system under your car or truck is designed to safely remove the burned combustion gases from your engine, expelling them out of the tailpipe behind the vehicle. If the system is not working correctly, it can affect the vehicle's safety, make the car run poorly, and can be loud when the engine is running. If you are experiencing any of these issues, taking the vehicle in for exhaust system repair is often the best solution.

3 June 2022

Tips For Selecting Which Mechanic To Use When You Have An Extended Warranty


If you have a vehicle that needs to be repaired, or even just simply needs to be taken in for an inspection, you need to be careful when deciding which mechanic to take it to. While that is always true, it is especially important when you have an extended warranty on your vehicle. To help you understand how to find the ideal mechanic for your vehicle that's covered by an extended warranty, you will want to continue reading.

2 May 2022

Here's Why You Shouldn'T Rebuild Your Old Transmission Or Engine


Modern cars are long-lasting and reliable, but a few problems can take them down for the count. Unfortunately, internal engine and transmission trouble are some of the costliest problems to fix, and they're often the reason people decide to let go of an old vehicle. Of course, rebuilding these expensive components is always an option, but is it a cost-effective or worthwhile approach? What is a Rebuild? Your car's engine and transmission need to deal with substantial amounts of heat and friction.

31 March 2022

Buying a Foreign Car? Tips To Help You Find a Good Mechanic


Purchasing a foreign car can be a very exciting endeavor. Foreign cars are often made with amazing features that enhance your driving experience and make it a pleasure to get behind the wheel. You've likely spent a good deal of time pouring over the options and have finally landed on the foreign vehicle that seems perfect for you. Now that you've taken the car home it's time to think about how you'll maintain it.

2 March 2022

3 Parts Every Car Owner Should Understand


It's nearly impossible to come up with a single number that will tell you how many individual parts are in your car, but it's safe to say that "a lot" is a good answer. The typical vehicle may contain as many as 30,000 components, so no one can be expected to know about every last nut and bolt. Gearheads can probably name the most critical ones, but what about everyone else?

21 January 2022

Is Your Vehicle Making An Odd Sound? Know The Potential Reasons Why


There are many different sounds that your vehicle may make to indicate that something is wrong. Here are some problems that you may be experiencing when your vehicle is making whining, squealing, rattling, or grinding noises.  Loose Belts Your vehicle has several belts attached to the engine, and those belts can go bad over time. The belts will either loosen as they get used regularly or start to decay, fray, and potentially break.

15 December 2021

A Guide To Shopping For Camper Trucks


People that love the great outdoors need the right equipment and vehicles. Camper trucks give you the benefit of carrying all your hunting, hiking, fishing, and outdoor gear with you on any trip you plan. These camper trucks are long-time favorites for families looking for recreational activities. This trend continues, as millennials make up 38% of camper truck ownership right now, according to studies. If you're thinking about purchasing camper trucks and aren't sure what to look for, let the points in this article help you out.

19 November 2021

5 Preventative Tasks To Keep Your Vehicle In Good Shape


If you want to keep your car in good shape, that means taking care of things before they fall apart. That means working on things before they break down. Preventative maintenance will keep your vehicle running well and ensure that you don't have to deal with more expensive repairs. 1 Check the Air Filter First, you are going to want to check your air filter. This is something that you should change at least once a year.

15 October 2021